I WANT A REFUND!! DONT GET THIS APP!! YOU CANT EVEN EDIT YOUR CAPE! Its a 1.99 PEACE OF CRAP!!!!! If I could meet the creator of this app I Would slap them so hard there face would look like a Tomato
I WANT A REFUND!! DONT GET THIS APP!! YOU CANT EVEN EDIT YOUR CAPE! Its a 1.99 PEACE OF CRAP!!!!! If I could meet the creator of this app I Would slap them so hard there face would look like a Tomato
Wont let me upload.. Two dollars down the drain
This does not work and its very frustrating.
I spent my own money and I cant get it to upload to my minecraft skin.....plz...plz....PLZ....make it so we can!!!!!!
Its the best app for capes ever !!!!
Awesome, even though you cant port it anywhere its an sexy awesome, wemsecal game, Call me superdupergrd
Ok now I will be mad if I spent $2.00 for a thing that you cant upload it to mc cAn u
This app is worthless without being able to upload the stupid cape and is a waste of 2 bucks so if you do add support to upload capes than I would gladly pay $2 for it
i hate it i wasted 2.00$ on this app to only be able tomake capes
Ok. This app is pretty great at its terms but my only problem is that you cant upload these to minecraft. Until then I just hope that this changes through time. It honestly deserves a three star rating.
I dont know yet i just got it now!!!! :) :D ;D to my viewers this is you <3
You can make so many amazing capes to show your friends and they look amazing! They just need to update the app so you can... Swear them in Minecraft. A bit of a let down, but still, they look amazing and I cant wait for an update where we can wear our capes!!