Cape Creator Pro Editor for Minecraft Game Textures Skin App Reviews

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Make it able to wear capes

This app is good but MAKE US ABLE TO WEAR CAPES

Add to and remove

I think that you guys should change that there is another line under the colours and that you should be able to upload the capes to your Minecraft account.

Upload this to minecraft


Awesome app

Amazing app but it doesnt fit my screen so I cant color the bottom pixels!


You cant upload to minecraft waste of 2$

Can not upload to minecraft!

When you did the hole work to do a cape, you cant upload it to minecraft >:( DONT BUY THIS APP :(


I thoght u could add to ur skin


The ONLY thing that you can do with this app is create capes. Why cant I upload them or weir them? That would be something that should be fixed in an update.


Its awesome but u just need to make an update where u can apply your cape to your acount

Worth it but

You need to know how to mod to apply it

Minecraft Cape Creator

Good app but... They do need an update that gives you the ability to actually use your cape for your pc (personal computer for those who just dont know) or laptop.

What to innprove

Its good but could you make it so you can put the cape on your computer character please


This game is awesome because you can make really cool capes


Its a cool app but I cant apply at my cape and I cant start one from scratch.


I dont know how to use and the capes. And I dont know what they connect to.

Id rather pay 7x as much

I cant see the edges of the cape Im making. It also happens on the texture creator. Waste Of Money.

Worst app ever. U cant apply it to your minecraft. Needs an update.

Update please

Pleeeeeaaaase update it so we can upload are capes it is in full non modded minecraft now until then this is useless

You cant apply skins

You need to update the app so you can apply skins to the PE or PC


4 out of 5

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